Hello, all,
Today while driving back from taking my mother to dinner for Mother's Day, I was meditating/praying for clarity in my thinking regarding relationships. I didn't expect any "revelations" but I have been divorced 8 years now, and have not had good experiences, I am doing some real soul-searching. Many of you have posted helpful responses to me in the first thread I posted about "He's Just Not That Into You.
While driving, after my prayer, the thought came to me "out of the blue," so to speak: "How much anxiety, self-doubt, worry and self-recrimination are justified in order to be in the company of a man and maintain a relationship with him?" The answer is so simple it sounds stupid, but it is NONE....NONE!!!!!
I think it was Dianne who had asked me to consider what my experiences have taught me about my own value to myself. Until today, I really couldn't even ponder that question. Although I am a graduate student in Fine Art, an accomplished artist, an art teacher, have a nice home, an adequate income, and the grandmother of beautiful redheaded twin toddler boys, I have still managed to let dysfunctional relationships drain me of my energy. Today, I think I came to the "crossroads!" I am going to print and plaster that message of "No anxiety is justified...NONE!!" around my house!
Thanks to all of you strong, positive women here for your helpful insights and examples.