First of all, don't feel sorry for him. He won't find anyone worthwhile in plastic-surgery-du-moment Newport Beach? Pardon me while my heart doesn't break. He's a big boy and can take care of himself.

As for you, Jenny, being vulnerable to guys not as nice --- WHY WOULD YOU??? You are not a quart of milk with an expiration date. You don't have to put up with garbage because it comes with a jock strap.

I'm sorry that this relationship didn't work out, because it does sound like it was good while it lasted. For whatever reason, he feels he needs to move on. Mourn the loss, and then heal. Don't blame yourself. Sometimes we're the best we can be, but the other person is looking for something that is not us.

Understand your worth. Don't rush into the arms of the first non-serial-killer male-with-a-pulse who seems remotely interested.