DJ, thanks for your research. What is the name of the book that you submitted this for?

Since I am the host of this site and beleive wholeheartedly in the mission I will share the following:

I know we have issues on occasion with people being ignored or misunderstood. I do not think it's intentional. I come here every day and spend 1-2 hours posting. For some reason I didn't even open this forum/topic until today. Naughty me. I do the best I can. I try to read every single post, and usually do, but I jump around. I'm probably ADD.

I have thought and prayed about this issue. The only thing I can come up with is paying women to monitor specific forums...and I can't do that right now. Maybe as the association continues to take off I will be able to do so.

In a perfect forum every woman would get:

-a thanks for registering email
-a message that stated "someone replied to your post at BWS"
-a reply to every post
-lots of PM's, etc.

Let me share this:

BWS is receiving 1.3 million hits for every 30 day period so I can venture to say that women love this site. Needs are being met. They lurk, take what suits them and their beliefs, tell friends, post, make friends, give and receive advice, and even go so far as to meet face to face!

I refuse to let the occasional negative comments outweigh all that is good at BWS. A few years ago I would have been striving for perfection. Now I know that's not possible, and it's okay. Onward.

[ October 26, 2005, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Dotsie ]