I've been way too busy to visit this site lately, so I missed the Ladybug story. But since many of you know that I did some research on this site, about whether an actual culture was forming online, I'd like to mention a couple of things.

I've been on this site since it began, and interviewed a number of you recently for a chapter I submitted for publication. What appears is that, yes, there is a group culture here, with its own mostly unspoken rules and behaviors. There's definitely a sense of belonging to something, as many of you are aware. And as Danita and Chatty point out, BWS is not for everyone. As Evie says above that there are all kinds of beliefs and values, I found that those who stay have more in common than you might think. Maybe some of this seems rather obvious to you. But to me it's remarkable that such a thing can occur when most of the participants don't even meet face to face.