Chatty, I really appreciated your post here. And like Evie, I see being able to be here in an authentic, listening, compassionate way for/with each other as an ongoing use Daisy's comment from another post, each of us comes here as a unique "work in progress", with wounds and wisdom that are sometimes unexpected and difficult to delve into, but nevertheless real to the person suffering and sharing.

I choose to stay because I choose to grow and evolve. I also choose to "pay forward" everything everyone here has done for me. You all know what a difference you've made in my life. You have continuously supported and carried me through some very painful moments and issues. The healing you have helped happen here through your care and wisdom is immeasurable, and no matter how tough or painful it gets at times, I find it impossible to leave. Partly because I want to do for others what you all have done for me.

Losing someone we've come to care about is always a difficult thing to grapple with. I always hope for the best for each woman who comes here, and it's painful to realize that it isn't - and won't be - "home" for everyone.