You're right WB however many people were disturbed by the words ladybug posted time after time, and felt maybe there was more going on than any of us knew. I personally avoided answering any of those posts except one and then was deemed 'over sensitive' which is preposterous because if I were my answer would have been much different. I was asked by someone if they thought sending ladybug a PM letting her know as kindly as possible that her post were harsh at times and others were getting upset, would be a good thing to do. I said it couldn't hurt so long as done with compassion, and it was done that way, as one sister to another. Her reply was oh, thank you and I will be more careful or something to that effect. Thought all was well and then there she was again doing the same thing. Ladies when theres a large group of women all in one forum this type of thing happens, you win some and you lose some, its inevitable. Usually however what I have observed is that there are those that can dish it out, but can't take it. Hopefully this forum is about truth. When I ask for advice I pray for the answers I receive to be heartfelt and above all truthful. I think we all try to be considerate but sometimes you have to call a flower a flower. Except for Dotsie and JJ I have the most posts on the site and have seen this before and will see it again, because no matter how hard we all try you can't please everyone. I myself had a post deleted because it appeared insensitive. I took time off to think about it for a few days and decided to just be more careful. Some come here loaded with baggage and no matter how we try they can not nor will they let loose of it. Theres a pertinent saying that goes:

"Flexible people never get bent out of shape."

Maybe with time to reflect ladybug will return, maybe not, but we all are still here and life goes on...hugs! [Smile]

[ October 11, 2005, 07:56 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]