Dots, I'm envious. I'd love to attend one of their conferences. I especially like Luci Swindoll, single by choice and now in her 70's. I've been reading her since her first book, "Wide My World, Narrow My Bed". Thelma is wonderful as is Barbara Johnson who started the Spatular Ministries for parents whose children are homosexual. Patsy Clairmont - love her books, she is SO funny! Barbara Johnson who had a brain tumor & surgery and said, “Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears.”

ALL of those women are simply wonderful; they all seem to be such strong Christians who struggle with their faith, with their witness but who rely upon God for their strength, joy and salvation. I'd dearly love to sit down with any one of them for a chat...what an incredible experience that would be!