Just an update for those of you who check out the devos now and again. I took down the Tagboard. It caused popups, which I hate! So it's outta here! BUT I did put a couple of my children's poems up on another blog called "Topsy Turvy World." I've written a picture book by that name. I put a link from the Devo. site, but here's a direct link if you have kiddies or grandkiddies.

Topsy Turvy World

Of course I'm still doing the devotionals, too. I put one up this morning about locking myself in the basement. [Eek!] [Eek!]

And JJ, I did answer your question about why I would ever hide a key in my basement in the comment section. [Big Grin]

It's a beautiful, sunny, fall day here in Ohio. Hope everyone is having a blessed day.
