I used Network Solutions but it isn't easy to navigate or use unless you have some computer experience. Are you saying you are a novice? I'm asking because if so, then you might want to think about these FREE web site thingys out there, and a lot of people use them...I think Tripod is one...I'm sure the ladies here can jump in and tell of others.

Also, I don't know how easy or hard they are to use; however, it seems that the blog's might be the way to go if you are just wanting to "do a test drive?" Now if you are all the bells and whistles, then I would think about doing something besides a blog. Am I right about this girls? I'm not even sure about that! ha! I need to leave the advice to someone who knows, do I not?

Anybody here used the tripod or one of those other ones? Do they walk you thru it? Are they easy? hard?