Hi Ladies,

I'm sure many of you know about eucalyptus and other like plants and that they need to be 'fresh' and in good color but in case you don't, let me interject a few words of caution.

Be careful when you buy the eucalyptus--some of it may be old and will not look or work well on the cone. Sometimes I've had to ask for better eucalyptus--sometimes kept in the back of the store--or went eleswhere.

Eucalyptus also needs to be kept in an 'airy' environment and will usually last--kept in a healthy environment for about two years.

Also, be careful with the 'glue' guns. As you know, they get very hot and when applying it on to the eucalyptus, one needs to be careful. I came close to burning myself several times.

I know that you probably know all of this but I just wanted to present a word of caution.

They are interesting and fun to make and the finished product is worth the hard work.

Let me know how it goes should you decide to make one.

(Read this over and sounds like an instruction manual Oh well, better safe than sorry?)