I don't understand how they can pay taxes when they don't have a social security number. I would venture to guess that if they are paid by check, the money deducted never makes it to the government. Many of them are paid in cash.

I don't believe in amnesty because it is an open invitation for others to come in illegally. We cannot afford to support so many people who are not contributing to our society and not willing to become Americans. I do realize most are contributing, but just look at the border states and the condition of their jails, medical care facilities, etc.

I've heard many differing opinions regarding this subject. It's very disturbing. With my limited knowledge of the situation, I think people who want to become citizens of the U.S. should be able to speak English, be self supporting and go to the end of the line of people who have been trying to become citizens the legal and right way.

One last plug for the Fair Tax: Under the Fair Tax, illegals would be paying taxes because it is a national sales tax INSTEAD of income.
