Chatty Lady, In my opinion, as you say, President Bush does have alot to do to uphold his promises and I hope he does it for the people who have voted for him. In saying that, I still believe that answering violence with violence doesn't work. Maybe I am not 'getting real' but at the end of the day maybe your reality is not my reality and vice versa. Who is to say whose reality is real? Where did it all start? Look into history of who supported and provided Saddam with certain things in the past and now think he is devil incarnate. Whilst I think the world is better off without him, I don't believe that is the one and only reason he was overthrown by US. I love you Chatty, but maybe you need to get real too. I think 9/11 was HORRIBLE and there is no excuse but US is not exactly saintly when it comes to foreign policy etc etc. My father died in July 2001 and 9/11 happened 2 months later. He would have been horrifed and he didn't have a lot good to say about US foreign policies. I think the people who perpretated 9/11 are nutters but I also think that anyone who thinks that 9/11 or anything else can be avenged by more violence is not 'getting real' either. Violence leads to more violence and it never ends until total destruction comes... I certainly don't believe that it is better to take up the sword than the word of the bible - did I read that right??? And I don't believe that only a true American can feel what ye felt on September 11th. Many of the fireman and also people who were killed both in the buildings and on the planes are related directly to people here in Ireland and we felt it badly. We also had a national day of mourning. Bear in mind how many Irish Americans lost their lives there too. Many people I know cried for days and still do over the loss of those people, of all nationalities in 9/11 atrocity.
I have to go now. I am sick over something else -the animal forum - you know what I am on about.
Love you lots and we can agree to disagree.