Kathryn, Ixnay on the Ixnickersnay. Okay?

I am the one who asked that question and I personally am a sweet young thing with a perfect memory. Now if only I could find my keys.

Back to Hands across America, I remember it well. I took a car load of kids and a protesting husband to stand at an intersection somewhere in Texas and at some point we all held hands. They said people did it all across America. I have no idea how they handled the lakes and mountains and the folks in Hawaii, but...
Before the big event we went to a Mexican restaurant and I had a few margaritas. I got a little tipsy and got a bent up army bugle from the car and played "God Bless America". It was awful. My kids still hate me for it. But I had a blast.
I know why I had the margaritas and I know the margaritas led to the bugle. Now if only I could remember why I held hands. There must have been a reason. Maybe, like Chatty said, it was a song.'??