Thanks Dotsie, I have been having profoundly spiritual, life-altering dreams since I was about 13 years old. They have been vivid, memorable and incredibly rich in imagery and message. I have treasured each and every one of those dreams throughout my life.

Except for what I call "The Blanket" dream in 2002 and this "Stained Glass Soul" dream in January, the profound dreams pretty much stopped coming after Dad died in 1999. I've been praying for them to come back, because they're like old spiritual friends, and I miss them terribly, but they're very rare now.

I still dream, every night, but lately I seem to be living an entirely different life during those dreams...and each night's dream builds on previous dreams...I recognize the people and the places, but each dream occurs in a later timeframe than the last one...oh, the burned buildings, wounded people and gory bloodbaths I've seen in these dreams! They're not exactly nightmares (I had worse nightmares while on the anti-depressants!!) but I wake up exhausted, as if I've been working hard all night (which could explain the chronic fatigue if I thought there was some connection).