Oh my gracious. How do you have such profound dreams? I want in on the secret.

Eagle, this is such a beautiful post/dream. I can't believe you've held it in since January. It's empowering. I'm so glad you interpretted it the way you did.

I believe there is so much power in simpy being and not always doing. We are a society of do-ers. I know. I'm one too, but I'm learning. Everyone's busy doing, running, racing, and carrying on with the next step. We're no longer members of the "human race", only the "rat race".

Our society would be much better if if we all learned to just "be". It is in the being that we are met and recharged with the spirit, but we are too busy to reconnect with our souls to learn this simple lesson.

Keep embracing "being" and God will move you forward in "doing" as I witness He already is... simply by writing this post!