Eagleheart and Ladybug, your words here are so encouraging to me, not because of those who did the abandoning, but because of those who extended the friendship and kindness....

May i share the following story....
when my youngest daughter was in grade 2, she came home from school one day crying. It was just before easter, and apparently there had been alot of discussion between some of the kids at lunch time and after school (this was a public school) about Jesus, and how important Jesus was and how everyone was suppose to 'accept Jesus'. When asked by some of her friends if she had 'accepted Jesus,' apparently my daughter had said, no, that she was not christian ...

"And mommy, they said, if i wasn't a christian, and didn't want to accept Jesus, they think they cant play with me anymore". Well, my heart broke for her.

But another little girl a year younger, who hadn't been over to play before, had come home with her. Now that little girl came from a very difficult homelife .... but she had come to support my daughter.. and she said ....

"But Mrs. G. i will still play with her, i am not christian either, i'm Catholic"........

Oh, if the world could only be as christian as that little sweetheart.... too young to understand, and yet understanding everything...

Presently, because of a couple of things, i've been discouraged , thanks for reminding me of this bittersweet, but precious moment Eagleheart and Ladybug..

[ January 04, 2006, 03:16 AM: Message edited by: norma ]