I absolutely feel that way, almost all the time!
The world doesn't like to talk about "sin". No one seems to worry about offending God, only other people, which is why we have the term "politically correct".
Dotsie, I've been a lover of Christ for 20 years now and I know I'm doing His will when I DO stick out like a sore thumb! We have to rejoice in being persecuted for His Name, He was certainly persecuted for us.
There are times when I think it would be easier to just "join" the world in their beliefs, but those times are fleeting, the minute I stop and think about Him. Life is so hard WITH Him, I cannot imagine doing it without Him.
It does hurt the most in my own household, though. But the devil will attack what is most important to God's children, and of course for us mothers, it is our family. So I say, bring it on, satan. Take your best shot. In the end, I will be with Him in heaven and my family will too. A mother's prayers and tears are never in vain.