Caloona, this is also one of my favorite verses. Many of our posts from this forum were deleted and this was one of them. I had posted about this verse. It always gives me comfort in knowing that I am not in control. It also makes me want to trust more because I know He knows what is best for me and will lead me in the right direction.

When my mom was dying of cancer, one of my cousins sent her a card with this verse in it. She is a baby boomer and was battling her own cancer...(very faithful woman who is a cancer survivor!). Anyway, I was the one who got to read the card to my mom and I was the lucky one who shared with Mom how this was also one of my favorites. We sat and discussed the verse and the impact it had on us at the time. It was very powerful and I was so grateful for my cousin's note because it allowed me the opportunity to have another faith moment with Mom.

When we send a note we never know how much it is appreciated. It is something that can be read over and over again! I am sure my cousin had no way of knowing how much that little card would mean to me.