Dannye, That's so true about reading in between the lines. I really needed your message tonight because I was deliberating over whether or not to go ahead and publish my 2nd book with Lulu or sign on with iUniverse. I had decided against iUniverse because I don't want to put out $900 Canadian for anyone's service at this moment when I haven't recouped my investment from my first book. But I had a talk with the iUniverse guy on the phone tonight and he was very persuasive -- that's his job :-)

I want to think twice about it because I'm pretty sure that I can get the book out on Lulu myself. The marketing is all going to be up to me anyway, although iUniverse offers an editorial review.

Has anyone here used them? I just do what Stephen King suggests -- first, I do as much work as I possibly can. Then I put the book in a drawer for a couple of weeks. I go back to it, freak out, make changes and then give it to several people I trust to read. Are the editors at iUniverse going to be that much better at critiquing stuff than my highly intelligent and literate friends?

Thanks :-) Sigrid