You all are great. I'd like to buy you a all a Coke. [Smile]

My plate is a little full. It really is. But, I miss sitting down to write and having it flow easily. At the moment, it's just not pumping for me.

This weekend I took my daughter's cat to her. It was a two hour trip and our vet prescribed some lovely cat valium for him to make the ride easier on everyone involved. It was hilarious to take a car trip with a stoned cat, but when I sat down to write about it, it was like pulling teeth for me. I couldn't finish.

I think my funny bone has been fractured.

And on another note, I need to find someone that will proofread my writing for me and I have no idea who to ask. I want someone that will be critical in a nice way... or else I'll wind up under the table with my frosting can again. Mr. Man will sometimes help, but he has a tendency to want to re-write what I've written and I have a tendency to want to box his ears.

I will read and re-read something twenty times... thinking I have caught all the grammatical, spelling and other errors only to read it again in a month and be so embarassed I could die for what reads like a third graders essay.

Who do you guys use? A friend or relative? Someone you hire? I think Prill mentioned a niece who was brutally honest with her.