Hi Ladies,

I'm new here and I found it very interesting to find out about your individual inspirations to write, how you got started, etc.

I've written always, always, always. As a person who has OCD, I found writing calming and therapeutic. Much of what I wrote for years and years was very dark.

I have always been someone that enjoyed laughing and making other people laugh, though. In a crowded room, I am always the one that is telling some story making everyone laugh. (Even though I might have been crying at home.)

And then!!!!

I woke up one morning and I had my fill of writing about the pain and tragic circumstances of my life. I started writing and as the keys were clicking, I was laughing.

It felt good! I haven't looked back.

I am an unpaid, unknown writer who dreams of the big time, but will continue to write even if I have to feed my family government cheese for the rest of my life. It's a "got to" kind of thing.

I'm sure you all understand that.