I wrote musicals in high school and in my twenties I wrote grant proposals which got me a great job in D.C. I wrote legislation and business plans and administered $39 million in grants. In my spare time I published magazine articles, produced plays, and wrote for national television.
Then I decided to get a graduate degree in writing. My thesis was a play. During the thesis process, it was previewed and it got a backer, which had never happened before, and it was performed to sold out crowds. It was on television and radio. The thesis committee hated it. They required me to rewrite it ten times. I destroyed the play. I never allowed it to be produced again.
My writing has been broken ever since. I can't seem to get anything good enough and I no longer send things off. Maybe I don't take the risk now because my kids are gone and I don't have to make every penny I can. Or maybe I have nothing to say. Or maybe too much time to think about it. Or maybe I have simply been there, done that, and I'm resting. Who knows?

I wonder if I am called by God to write or by simply want an ego trip. I'm working on this. Any ideas?