[Cool] Smilinize- great to know a teacher believed in you! I bet that alone has made a big difference!

[Wink] Pam- closet writer... and a mystery novel in just 3 months!!! Wow, girl. Good going!

[Razz] JJ-Writing about your father's disease... Have you considered writing a book about that disease altogether? If there isn't much info in a handy format, a book would definitely help so many! And I loved your article-"Puffy, the buffet slayer"

[Smile] Toni- "writing to make a difference" ... so inspiring; "giving God the glory", wonderful response!

[Confused] Dianne- "Author before writer"? I too need help grasping this one... please, help us out.

Looking back... I've always loved to write,but never dreamed I'd become a writer. I wrote a few poems as a teenager (Closet writer too). After that, through life's ups and downs... Many times felt the urge to write, but resisted it... I never wanted to write sad and/or negative experiences and/or feelings.

I slowly got back into writing due to my leadership in church: As the need arose for a variety of programs and different materials, I started writing youth and adult material that I used; as well as poetry and eventually many songs.

Still, did not consider myself a writer.

After some time, pastors, friends, church members, etc., urged me to make my writing available to them and others.

Now, I'm commited to this work. I have a purpose. Writing to inspire is my goal. Praising God for what he's done for me, in me, and through me is what fuels me. All I've done, or will ever be able to do, I owe it to my Lord!

Words can build or destroy. I pray my words help build a better world, for the glory of God.

[ July 26, 2004, 01:53 PM: Message edited by: Songbird ]