Garrie, Mundania was founded in August 2002 so you're right, they're fairly young. They are a traditional publisher of hardcover, paperback, and electronic versions of books.

Piers Anthony is one of the investment partners, not an owner.

Mundania has been publishing books since Dec 2002. They have released 18 books since they started.

Some of the authors that are listed might be part of the anthologies that are going t o be released in April and May of this year. We just received our contracts for those books and they're in the process of putting the info up on the website.

As for doing searches on books and getting other publishers, that's very possible. You'll find something similar like that with mine. I had a publisher for NOT WITHOUT ANNA, but they folded. So, I then took my book to Mundania. However, the previous publisher had released publication info, and it was picked up by the bookstores, etc. So, if you go out to Amazon, you'll find Not without anna from Southern Charm Press (it says out of stock) and from Mundania (it says ships is 2 -3 days)

I'm sure that happened to other authors as well.

If you go out to Preditors & Editors (P&E) (the number one site for recommending all publishers, editors, agents, etc) you'll find that Mundania is Recommended.

They got a good set up, great cover artists, editors, and more working for them.

I don't know how you could go wrong w/them behind your book.

I hope that helps.

[ February 18, 2004, 10:11 AM: Message edited by: Vicki M. Taylor ]