I know of a great website that I have utilized for the past 3 or 4 years. Its actually an online university that is used by writers all over the world, complete with study groups, library, access to Amazon.com and other online book stores, a bulletin board, ezine, and each class is peer instructed. There are professional writers who have been published, there are beginners who have never published anything, and the tuition or membership fees are really low...$59 per year with a one-time $20 start up fee. Once your membership is paid, you take any and all classes for no further cost, except for the books that you buy. Many classes do not require books at all. They have a free class to "try before you buy" about writing fiction.
Where is this university? Its called Writers Village University. The address is:
I belong to a zany study group, that despite appearances, is very serious about their writing. We critique or (nit) each others
work, we offer endless encouragement. There is no one ripping your work apart with destructive remarks. My group is called Writers 911. We have each adopted a "rodent personality." In this group we inhabit a virtual house with a fireplace, which as "Nurse Beaver", it is my job to keep the fireplace stocked with firewood that I gnaw down from near my river dwelling. There is Rat, Gerbil, Pine Marten, and a host of other rodents sharing this imaginary dwelling.
Membership is limited in this university, but I think anyone interested could still get in if they visit the site very soon.
As you can tell, I get very excited talking about WVU. I would highly recommend it for anyone wanting to get started writing but limited on cash.