Hey I did the dandelion thing! they'd look so neat when they curled up. Used to put then under people's chins too, to see if they "liked butter"??

I also did the making little villages for the small cars - we called them "dinky cars" - had to have lots of roads, and rocks...

I collected stamps for awhile.

Went through a phase of getting my dad to cut stuff out of wood so I could paint on it - still have the cat shelf he and I made - he cut it out and assembled and I painted it - it stands about 3' high, a black and white cat with its back arched and tail up - the "shelf" is on top of the tail.

Also read lots - always reading.

One winter I had a pair of snowshoes, and I'd snowshoe around the yard pretending I was a "trapper".......

I'm an only child, can you tell [Razz]