This is a song for the musical above in the tune of:
The Girl From Iponema.....

Loud and gross,
and always humming.

The cicadas are back,
and more keep coming. [Frown]

We spray, we stomp and
we do all we can till their gone.

Nothing works so we simply suffer,
We use ears plugs as a loud noise buffer. [Eek!]

We have to take it,
but soon one day they'll be gone.
Oh, how we hate them so badly,
Why do they taunt us so gladly,

If we wait very soon we will see,
Not one will be left in a tree. [Smile]

So just be patient, its almost over,
Heed these words all will soon be clover,
The Cicadas life span is short,
and soon they will be....dead. [Big Grin]