My dog was eating the cicadas 2 days ago -- she was so excited and happy doing so. After all, this will be the only time in her life that she'll see them, so I let her have her fun.
But then yesterday she had the worst diarrhea on the RUG. When I let her out today, she went back to the place where there dozens of cicadas wew in reach if she just stood in one spot. Now she's confined to the kitchen.
Did you Marylanders notice the cicada recipes in the Baltimore Sun yesterday? Pretty funny. Maybe we should post a few [Wink] Some say they taste like canned asparagus.
I got a deal on a rose trellis at Home Depot (only 2.98!--the last of its kind and no friggin skew number, so the cashier was frustrated and gave up) so I put that up, then spent a few hours yesterday a.m. moving shrubs around (spirea, buddleia, a couple of small lilacs, dwarf oakleaf hydrangeas), and so many cicadas landed on me that I've decided not to garden again until they're gone!