Agate, I have 5 different prescription drugs for my migraines, because when one doesn't work I go on to the next... I recently had two months of weekly accupuncture, and got no results. Physical therapy, heat pads, feverfew, ice, oils, guided imagery: nada. I just finished another 3-day doozie, two of which were spent puking. I wish I had a cure, because I waste way too much time being incapacitated.

As far as injuries, I recently pulled out my shoulder while weight lifting, my first gym injury in at least 10 years. I'm very careful about correct form and listening to my body. Unfortunately, this was my weak side where I had all my surgery, lymph nodes removed and nerves cut through. Since I can't feel much on that side, I probably missed any signals my body may have been sending. The pain was bad but nothing compared to a migraine [Frown] It's about 5 weeks now and I'm still not doing upper body lifting, because I can tell it's not healed.