I do! I do! As a matter of fact, some of my girlfriends went to the Antique's Roadshow here...Don't remember why I didn't...but it could have been during my "dating" years...hehehe..

Sure you can come live with me Evie...hope you like sweet tea and cornbread! You come on down...just warn me like six months ahead of time so I can clear out a room for ya...I have pic's if you ever want to see them. Some of my friends that live very far away ask me to make them.

smater (southern word) of fact, stop by and pick up the others girls on you way down...! BYOB...bring your own Body...BYOQ...bring your own quilt...we'll get Dotsie and Candice to cook for us all, and the rest of um can entertain us with their stories and poetry...how's that sound?