
I love cheese quesadillas too. Do you do yours with just cheese and tortillas or do you like to incorporate extra goodies like onions and peppers, zucchini or diced chicken? I probably prefer the latter, but don't know if those 'babies' are technically still quesadillas.

As for zucchini, I don't make it a lot, as Steve is not a veggie fan. Mostly I've put grated zucchini into a quick bread, sort of like an alternative to bananas. Or I slice them thinly and cook them with salt and pepper in chicken broth, then serve 'em with a bit of grated cheese on top. Or if you want to "health up" a lasagna recipe, you can always layer in sliced summer squash.

I went online however, and found this collection of zucchini recipes at health.com
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.