Thx for the good wishes, Anne. I'm only disciplined when I realize I don't have a choice in order to make things better. smile Otherwise I'm messy and lazy. smile

Sure, we're affected by daylight savings time in Canada also.

I'm sure you'll get there in terms of better health long-term ..'cause you did a long time ago did biked and enjoyed it at the time. I'm not saying you will do this, but already in your history you are already familiar with exercise with some self-motivation. A good thing!

I wrote this blog post on finding a sport that matches your personality. It helps for long term motivation. Sure, it takes awhile for many of us to find exercise/sports that we enjoy doing ourselves without someone reminding us to do it.

Edited by orchid (04/12/15 09:37 PM)
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)