In the last month before my Mom died, she was quite literally tossed into a special ward at the hospital for terminally ill patients and was terribly neglected there. Even though she ws dying, they wouldn't allow her to eat ice cream or certain foods that she loved because of her diabetes. We thought that was absurd, so always snuck those foods into her room and handfed her. (The treatment she received in this particular ward was heart-breakingly sad and still makes me weep even as I type this).

We fought hard and finally got her into a renowned hospice here in the city. She wasn't in the bed even five minutes before someone came along and asked her what her favourite foods were. She answered "ice cream" and within minutes had a bowl of ice cream brought to her table! And she ate ice cream as often as she wanted. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective), she died only days after moving into the hospice. But we will never forget what a joy it was to her to have no restrictions whatsoever in those last days.

I say, if they're dying, why deny them anything?!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)