In seven little days, it'll be a big scene.

Trick-or-treating ghosts, goblins 'n ghouls,
Crowdin' urban sidewalks, obeying no rules.

Car-pooling together, perhaps you'll see,
Vampires, werewolves, witches, and zombies.

Para-normal activity, you'll feel in the air,
Hocus, pocus 'tis brewing, o'er here 'n there.

Suddenly strange monsters, 'll be facing you,
Or lawns with cemeteries 'n tombstones to view.

There's cobwebs with spiders, large as a small dog,
Toilet paper in trees, axes sticking from logs.

Haunted catacombs, skeletons, 'n horrors galore,
Go hide in a darkened room, be sure to lock the door.

Fright-night 'tis for kiddies, the shy 'n the bold,
Gathering sweet freebees, all their bags 'll hold.