I so wish I could wear sandals all year round too! With plantar fasciitis (sp?), my feet prefer sandals (specially fitted with orthotics). But with snow on the ground, we have to wear boots right now.

I love bright colours...my main winter coat is red. My usual winter attire is the layered approach...longjohns, heavy jeans (I only have 3 pairs of winter jeans, blue, green and khaki - but in the summer I have capris in every colour under the sun!), turtleneck and sweater. And boots. I haven't found a pair of boots that will fit my orthotics, so I'm just wearing my Bog boots for now. Perfect for the slushy weather today! I'll never be able to wear high heels again.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)