I love technology! I switched from Blackberry to a Galaxy SII - it has a big screen, great colors. I use it for texting, reading books, reading and posting on Facebook and Twitter, I look up stuff on the internet, receive and send email. I have a few great apps, like Foursquare, traffic, and weather. There's an app that will identify a song on the radio, there's another that is a barcode reader and will tell me if the same item is cheaper somewhere else. I can get directions, find specific places, see what's happening close to where I am. And I haven't even checked out all the other available apps. It wasn't that difficult for me to figure it out. I think some people find technology easier than others. It is frustrating at times if I can't figure something out, but I can usually get an answer on one of the online tech/geek communities.
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich