When you go to pick out a name, use it for a week or so before you decide on it permanently. Say it out loud, use it in every kind of "marketing" ploy you can think of. Does it ring a bell? Stay with you? Remind you of anything else? Sound offensive in any way? Can it be misconstrued? Easy to spell? Say? Is it sassy? Is it old-fashioned? How would it look on a biz card? A web page? Wear it out, verbally, and on paper... then see how you feel about it in a week. Stll love it? If so, you probably have a winner.

I think you should have a name that rolls off the tongue and that WOMEN love to tell their girlfriends that is where they're going that for instance (bear with me a sec, k?)

Boomer #1: Hey girlfriend, wanna go to the mall today?

Boomer #2: No can do, I'm headed over to ______

Boomer #1: Oh great! Can I go? I love to go there. I feel like I'm in somebody's living room and Chick has the greatest ______...don't you think?

And the name is?