Our house is one of the favourite stop-offs for kids selling anything for school fundraisers. We buy everything they sell, chocolate, fudge, candles, wrapping paper. For the chocolate bars, we usually buy 1 or 2 from every kid that comes, and then buy the bigger stuff from only a few of the kids from our block. We know these kids well, some would be capable of managing such responsibility as dispersing the bars as you requested, but others would not. And very few children at that age would have any kind of control over the actions of their parents (eg, the father helping himself - HE'S the one at fault here, not the child!!! How can he justify eating those bars knowing that each one must be paid and accounted for!!)

Rather than take the risk of it not getting done to my liking, I would have taken the bars and put them in the food bank cart at the grocery store, or doled them out myself. And I'd ask my friend's HUSBAND to pay me back the $5, not the friend or the daughter.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)