It's a good thing we don't live in colonial times as inability to recite the Our father was one sign of a witch-
But seriously I think doctor's are much too quick to blame all our symptoms on menopause or peri-meno. When I was all upset because my toes were numb and crying in the dr's office because my one year older brother just had a stroke and I thought this was mine he put me on Zoloft , took a blood test and told me to come back in a month to check my medication- dumb me listened- a month later I was a zonked out zombie still with no feeling in my toes and "cured" as only menopausal- so I suffered 9 months til I could hardly walk because I was mad and stubborn and ended up with spinal decompression surgery.
So please get a checkup but I know I get foggy too- Eagle I once called my husband by my Ex's name as I was mad and couldn't find words-not good