I don't know if it's "normal", but it's happened to me too. With the Lord's Prayer and the 23rd Psalm which I have loved and used in meditation for most of my life. But some mornings, I can't remember the words to either one of them. So I just make up my own.

I've had some very devastating brainfogs in the past few years, but the worst one was when I went to introduce my hubby to someone and blanked out on HIS (hubby's) name! That was horrible.

A few years ago, and for quite a few years, I played piano in the church choir. I've been playing piano since I was 9 years old and while not a virtuoso by any means, could play fairly complicated pieces with very little problem. But one Sunday morning I was in the middle of playing a piece that I knew well, and all of a sudden blanked out on how to play the piano. I didn't know where the next note was on the keyboard, or the next note, or the next note. It was devastating...I had to play about 1-2 minutes of it using only one finger. The rest of the choir couldn't figure out what was going on, but covered for me. I had to take a deep breath, pray for the Holy Spirit to help, and reminded myself that all of that knowledge was somewhere inside of me still...finally it came back and I was able to play the rest of the music just fine.

It happened a few more times in Church (and at choir practice as well) and I finally had to quit and let someone else take over the keyboards. It was embarrassing, frustrating, bewildering and frightening. And it's gotten worse. But I refuse to give up playing the piano, even though I still blank out about half-way through many of my old, favourite pieces...but I can no longer play in public.