Good point chatty. I hate to say this..but I didn't even bother to click through the link that was provided. When a poster has only 1 posted message and begins to advertise a service/product, it immediately turns me off.

As for Internet marketing, the buzz is really now about social media marketing and understanding the main goal of why a person sets up a blog, web site, etc.

I disagree alot with claims that one can make money solely from Internet marketing. Internet marketing is only a communication and for some businesses, an e-commerce transaction tool to sell a primary service or product. Important to keep the basic understanding....basic and not dress it up with illusions and false expectations.

Of course there are folks who have schemes that plargarize other people's content or force users through spam links to click through their website link just to jack up readership falsely and mislead people to reading irrelevant/nonsensical advertising. Any blogger knows the spam schemes of incoming false referral /URL links that come in through the back end of their blog that they create and manage.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)