You should check with your doctor about the cause of your anemia. There are several kinds and it can be very serious as hemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen to all of the tissues. The most common types are:

Pernicious anemia from a B12 deficiency which can result from a vegetarian diet without supplementation, lack of the intrinsic factor necessary for absorption of B12 in the stomach, alcoholism, and other causes. It can be treated by sublingual B12 to be absorbed under the tongue or B12 injections.

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia and can result from a lack of iron in the diet or from hemmorrhage. It is treated with iron supplementation, but over injestion of iron can cause other problems so it is important to be followed by a physician.

Sickle cell anemia is an inherited defect in the red blood cell that impairs its ability to carry oxygen. It is often accompanied by type I diabetes and is most common in the black population.

There are other types of anemia, but those are the ones I've seen most often. Exhaustion is a common symptom of anemia, but it also lowers your resistance to disease and can be quite dangerous.

I hope you can get some help with it. Prayers coming your way.