Brenda, it's not you at all! I have been riding the hormone hayride for about the past 4 yrs, and due to really heavy and lasting periods my gyn recommended a uterine ablation last year, that lessened everything until it all stopped in Oct. 04. Since then, can't really do HRT, been trying my best to cope but my electric bill is out of site since I have to have it so cold every evening, the moodiness and the crying (over things like commercials!! and the like, all small potatoes. The hurricane in NO made me just bawl like a baby, those poor folks). No girl, it's not you, it is just kind of what we went thru before puberty (God bless our parents, they put up with teenaged girls) and the whole lot of life. It is hard, but from what I have read, it will pass in time (hope I can not make my family desert me before then. 50 should be an age of discovery, but sometimes it is an age of just putting up with stuff.