Some days seem way to hard...been here for awhile certainly enjoy everyone's posts, I visit daily.
So, many changes have taken place in my life this year, overwhelming at times.
Know alot of women see this change of life menopause thing a step forward, so far I have not reached that step. Bouncing right along last year, thinking I was Wonder Woman. You know the type A personality, "I can do everything", & only I can do it, (that use to be me) definatly past tense now.
Came off my hrt last year, mainly cause I was feeling on top of the world, plus my mom's family was plagued by strokes & heart attacks. In fact she passed from heart attack.
Come Feb. 05 my final dose of prempro was taken (weaned off slowly).
April I was seen in the local er for tingling hands, feet, and mouth, chest felt heavy. Took x-rays and recommended a nuerologist for degenerative nerve damage. Wonder Woman had done to much painting, yard work and whatever.
By May, I was definatly feeling the effects of no extra estrogen. Made an appointment with my provider, (we are retired military) usually seen at base clinic. Explained to the doctor about coming off prempro, took all my x-rays from er. Explained all my menopause symptoms, he looked at me like I was the biggest hypochondriac. Now mind you I was only seen at the base for pap's, & the very occasional sinus infection etc. Hardly ever sick. Kept telling me it had to be something else. Can't tell you the anxiety I felt that day just waiting to get in, not to mention the hot flashes, remember it like yesterday. Handed him the x-rays from the er, he held them up to the light, says there is no problem gave me a few exercises, take this premarin...see ya.
In May, made an appointment with a chiropatic center, more x-rays to show the disk damage from the er. Later that month I made another appointment at base tingling & numbness still present along with tightness of chest. Regular doctor booked so saw new doctor. Blood pressure reading was high, plus no pulse was to be found in left arm (something my chriopatic doctor had found).
Doctor ran ekg, results normal, plus ran blood tests for high blood pressure. Call him Monday for results and rx pick-up.
Come Monday no call...for the next 3 weeks no call. He had actually gone on leave for 3 weeks after my visit, and left no one in charge of his cases.
Needless to say my blood pressure hit the roof.
June 05, on way to er the ambulance read out was 214/161. While there a ultr sound was done on no pressure arm, that turned out normal, shot of mama's little helper (what ever that might have been) asked but wasn't told. Like I'm some kind of addict.... [Mad] No blood pressure medicine because the base had test running...just no doctor.
Three weeks of blood pressure rising, base told me just go to the emergency room if bottom # reaches 110. Real close several times, but thank God I didn't have to go again.
Never been so scared in all my life, anxiety just took over that raised the blood pressure all by itself. Always before I had been the stand firm stand tall person, that person wasn't present then & alot of times now.
Base doctor did made it back by the way....he sent me the same day to a military hospital in Maryland.
There for a week, 2 cath's done on my left arm, for blockage in left shoulder (reason for no blood pressure). First cath produced vasospasms, nitro used to reduce. Vaso surgeon requested to do second cath, with advance procedures, still no sucess.
Front heart arteries were wide open & free. They all felt coronary vasospasms were happening in back side of the heart all along.
So, medicine was given to cover the spasms and high blood pressure together.
Calcium channel blocker, beta blocker, aspirin and aspirin every day, not to mention the nitro.
Did any one inform me the blockers had huge side effects and might even worsen the depression.
Depression was horrible, still is some days.
Went back to the base for the depressed feeling thinking maybe they could change med's. Cardiologist said he was not about to change medicines now, to try an ssri. Tried taking two of the different ssri prescribed...couldn't get past the 1st week on them. Felt worse than not taking them.
Days are better, well here and there anyways. Some days I still have to push my self to move and interact, just seeing the concerned look in my family's face pushes me along.
Still have 4 of my adult children living at home.
Think the side effects from the blockers have let up a bit, plus my prayers have been the most important thing in my existance right now.
Oh, by the way had to go back to the base for swollen foot and ankle due to blockers, saw a new doctor who asked me if me uterus was missing last time I checked do believe it was there. Then informed I should not have been prescribed the premarin. [Mad] Quit right you smoke? Yep, I had been smoking 20 years right up to the point of when I went into the hospital.
Like I said, some days are better than others. Was to the point at one time, it would have taken an act, beyond anything I know of now to even get me out the front door. Even after venturing out, driving was a major issue.
Really related to chatty's post...about the depression knocking on the door. Depression and all the other array of symptoms.
Last week I ran into a woman I had worked for years with in the grocery store she asked how I was, told her of my kidding, she actually pushed her cart into the next isle.
Heart disease, high blood pressure, is not a catchy thing. [Eek!]
Being a military wife 1st, and 2nd marriage put me on the move every 2 years so needless to say not many close friends. Family mainly passed, hubby was adopted, his mom & dad passed.
Hoping to make friends here. Not any where as eloquent in writing as the rest, but it's always from the heart.
Thanks, for letting me share.