Thanks Daisygirl, I totally agree. Painting is a great outlet but it is also something you do alone. I have checked out some art groups and am thinking of taking a few courses just to get out there. I work alone and don't talk to very many people. Email is usually the way I connect with clients too. But, I rarely use the computer at home, other than to check out this site and respond to others. It is a great outlet too as long as you mix it up with getting out there. I seem to have kicked the lonely habit for now. Baby steps, Oh it will come back. Something to think about... loneliness may be a message to us that we have to make changes in our life. Sometimes we get too comfortable staying home and isolated and then suddenly out of nowhere it hits us....why am I so lonely. We all need people and this site is wonderful and supportive but we need to spend time in person with people too. Sometimes I forget that. I do owe my kicking the lonely habit this week to you wonderful ladies. I hope by talking about it all of us who are feeling lonely will step out of our comfort zone this week and do something with others. I will pray for each and every one of you tonight that you will beat it if only until the next time. Good night.