Originally posted by Dianne:
I've been thinking that while the Internet keeps us connected, it can also serve to keep us home and not venturing out to meet new people.

Dianne, I've often wondered about that too. I do force myself to go out more now than I did before I came to BWS...I think that's a sign of the healing that's happening inside of me. And yet, even when I'm out and enjoying myself "out there", I can't wait til I get home and get on-line to see what's happening here at my "other home". I love the people I meet here, and I'm thoroughly enjoying getting to know more about each of the women I meet here. I dare to believe that's also a healthy sign of the healing that's happening here.

Even when my husband comes home, I feel lonely so it's an internal problem, not him.
Me too! Not as bad as before I met him, and I'm not as lonely with him as I am without him, but it's still there.

[ August 29, 2005, 02:46 PM: Message edited by: Eagle Heart ]