Fiftyandfine, I'm so glad you find comfort here with your sisters, who care deeply for you and who can relate all too painfully well to your loneliness.

When I first stumbled onto this site, I was literally dying, withering away from a terrible aloneness, compounded by debilitating chronic fatigue and anxiety which made it almost impossible for me to venture outside. This site most definitely saved my life and sanity. Perhaps even my marriage.

I'm still not physically up to going out some days, but at least now, I'm MENTALLY able to go out more, and that's a huge step in the right direction. My compassionate, patient sisters here have helped me to heal and grow to the point where anxiety does not have control over me as it did months ago.

Hearing about others here suffering from loneliness also makes me weep in empathetic recognition of that pain. I carry all of us in heartfelt prayer every day that we will make a good dent in that loneliness by being here for each other.