I love all of you so much. Just had to say that! I am always touched by the honesty of your words.

Loneliness at midlfe is one of the main reasons I am launching the National Association for Baby Boomer Women. I want so badly for us to heal one another. That's what we are here for. We need to find our passions and live them!

I may ramble here, so please forgive.

Kate, do you want us to hold you accountable for getting those paints out? We will if you want us to. We want you to move on and realize the potential you have within that is just bursting to get out.

Chatty, I am surprised to hear about your loneliness. I always picture you surrounded by animals, delivering food to neighbors, and visiting the elderly. Have you considered what you might need to fill that loneliness? Can you put your finger on it? If so, please share with us and we'll try to give you direction. I'm sure losing contact with your son is hurtful. I wish I could make that hurt go away by finding him and telling him to contact his loving mom. Please know you have a purpose here and cause/ have caused other women to feel connected, thus less lonely

FYI- one of the reasons I began BWS was my fear of being without a purpose at midlife. I have always been a stay-at-home mom who loved being home to make a difference in the lives of loved ones. After the death of Mom, and with the empty nest staring me in the face, I hunkered down in prayer with my Lord. I begged him for a purpose.

As a kid, I always wanted to get married and have kids. I never thought beyond these years. Dumb me. Because my mother and mother-in-law experienced depression from the empty nest, I knew I didn't want their midlives. I intend no disrespect to either woman. It's just the way life was for women back then.

Anyway, by the grace of God, this site idea was planted. It is now my passion aside from my family. God has given me a way to reach out and bless other women. This whole project was/is created by Him.

I highly recommend taking the time to get quiet with your Lord. Sometimes we are so busy living life that we aren't in tune with who we are at our core. God can get us in touch with that. He can reveal our midlife purpose. He can reveal our gifts. We all have them.

I encourage all of us to open up and share what we are going through. God doesn't want us to live this life alone. He wants us to connect, encourage and support one another.

Another reason I was desparate for a purpose outside of my family and faith is the fact that I am married to the love of my life whom I adore more with each passing day. He is a Diabetic. He takes too many shots a day, but he is extremely healthy. You'd never know this about him if you met him. Never. Anyway, I have a fear of losing him. Since beginning BWS and with the association launching in October, I truly believe I will never have to worry about being alone, or lonely.

I am grateful God has given me a purpose through this site. It is my prayer that this site can give other women a purpose and we can stamp out loneliness in midlife women. I mean this with all my heart.

Keep sharing. This is a great topic.