I had terrible outbursts and wonder how my husband suffered through it- he can be terribly mean and say horrible things as well but I would do things like get my whole family to support me and show rabbits with me for FFA and 4-H shows- getting up at 5 a.m. to get all the rabbits loaded, have a picnic and a good day by the beach with our bunnies and 200 other people and a bunch of rabbits only to arrive at the show and find no spots available and go into an instant funk- making my family pack everyone up and go home- everyone at the show used to watch us with their jaws dropped- I did this to them like 5 times, several times after driving hundreds of miles- someone should have punched me in the head- now I'm on Prempro and Paxil and am me again- like I was in my 20's- sweet and normal- I do want to get on Progesterone though- anyone tried that- read some bad things about Prempro