Just my personal opinion, but "an honest day's work for an honest day's pay" went out the window when companies stopped being loyal to their employees. Most, not all, companies treat their employees like dirt. The attitude seems to be, if you don't like how you're treated, leave. I have worked at places like that, and I know people who still work at places like that. It used to be you could work hard for a company and be rewarded appropriately. But the climate has changed, and companies became more concerned with paying their upper echelon outrageous sums of money, regardless of how the company was doing, and making sure the stockholders were happy, even if that meant the "little guy" got shafted. I am fortunate enough to work in a place that values their employees, and I know several companies do treat their employees well. But I think the majority have no loyalty to their people; so the thinking is why should I, as an employee, be loyal to the company? I'm not saying that's the right attitude, but it's the way it is.
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich